Germany bound

So here we are on our way to the airport heading for a couple of days in Germany.

Today were playing some kind of stadtfest in Wernigerode (our favourite town in Germany!) and tomorrow Leipzig will experience the wildest show they’ve seen in a long time.

Hope to see you all there!

Kvarteret i kveld

Er du i Bergen er det kun et sted å tilbringe kvelden – Kvarteret.

Det begynner å bli en stund siden sist gang vi besøkte kvarteret, men her har vi mange gode minner fra! Alt fra knall nachspiel til nestenslosskamper med forferdelige vokalister fra andre band. Vi regner med at i kveld blir like sterkt som alle de andre konsertene vi har hatt der, så ingen grunn til å ikke ta turen bort!

Vet du ikke hvor Kvarteret befinner seg så se her:

Vis større kart


Miniturnè med tyskere!

Da er det ikke lenge før det braker løs med miniturné i Norge med det fantastisk kule tyske bandet The Audience. De plasserer seg i bussen sin og farer over fjorder og fjell og blir med oss til Bergen, Haugesund og Oslo. I Oslo kommer også de nydeligste månefarere vi vet om fra X-Queen of the astronauts for å mingle med oss!

For å gjøre det enkelt for dere har vi slengt ut en haug av facebook og underskog og eventer og you name it. Gi oss en lyd om du kommer en av disse stedene! Husk at du alltid finner konsertene våre her og kan bli fan av oss på Facen! Nice!

Bergen 5. november: The Vineyards + The Audience (GER)

Haugesund 6. nov: The Vineyards + The Audience (GER)

Oslo 7. nov: The Vineyards + The Audience (GER) + X -QUEEN OF THE ASTRONAUTS

Andre konserter i nær fremtid:
Oslo 30. okt: Bønder i Byen – The Vineyards, The Generous Days, Firetop Mountain, Valsalva

Germany – Here we come!

It’s been a loooong time since last we visited the fine country of Germany. But Tomorrow we’ll be back for two gigs. Check out the concert section for detail. We’re looking forward to it like small kids!

There will also be a very special treat for our German audience. There will be a world premiere of our next video on the Pop 10 channel sometime Friday night. We’ll make sure to tweet about it. I guess it’s time to remind you of our last visit in that studio. Look at how young we were! ahhhh, those were the days…

Where to buy – I can’t decide…

As of today The Vineyards’ new record, The Vineyards, is out in all possible formats we can think of, and here is where to go shopping for it. We do not have a complete list of record stores that carry our genious stuff (especially outside the lovely country of Norway), so if you have any info on other places to go shopping for our premium product please give us a note in the comments below and we’ll update the list as we go.

On yesterdays format – CD:
Platebutikken Tiger (recommended!)

On tomorrows format – LP (vinyl) with bonus track:
Big Dipper (recommended!)

On todays format – MP3/Digital/Stream:

As always you can always pop by for some free streaming at

The Vineyards på Oslo TV

Be shure to tune in to OsloTV tonight as Kjartan and Hans Martin from The Vineyards will visit and play a very special version of Northern Winters from the new album.

This will be a one time only preformance of this edit of Northern Winters so do not miss it. We do not want to say to much about the gig, but the way it will be played will reflect our daily life as office workers and white collar bastards.

Update: You can se us at approx 17:50 and 18:50 on Oslo TV. The recording will also be available on the web tomorrow!

Café Moody

Every once in a while The Vineyards are lucky, and when we had our show at Café Moody in Haugesund last weekend we were lucky! The fine photographer Edgar G. Bachel showed up and took some amazing photos.

Check them out:
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