Posters! The Vineyards på Revolver 15. Mars
The Vineyards celebrates 10 years with live show March 15th in Oslo
Of course you’ll be there!
RVSP on Facebook
And take a look at these sporty boys while you’re at it!
photo by Mariell Amelie:
Related show
10 years of good rock for good people
Trippelkonsert på Gamla lørdag 4. februar
I morgen er det klart for trippelkonsert på Gamla med Stereopol, The Courage og The Vineyards. Villere blir det neppe! Ta med deg venna dine og en hundrelapp og du er garantert glede som vil vare hele februar.
Sørg for å være på plass senest 21.30!
Hør låter av alle bandene her:
The Vineyards (spotify)
The Courage (Soundcloud)
Stereopol (spotify)
Meld deg på eventen på facebook
The Vineyards releases Xes & Narcotics (single)
The Vineyards releases the mighty new single Xes & Narcotics today. The event will be celebrated with a release concert at Palace Grill in Oslo(Facebook link). In a statement the band says:
This release is great! You should download it and play it on both your stereo and on your iPod. We would also recommend listening to this tune in your car.
You’ll find the track in your local mp3 store or streaming service. If not, you’ll find it behind these links:
Nuff said – Now play!
Concerts everyone!
Finally we’re booking shows again. Not a lot, but a couple of them in Oslo. Check out the concert section for more info or visit our faboulus Facebook site for events and sound.
And by all means – do invite your nice friends! We love all friends. In fact – we are friends of your friends. They just didn’t know it yet…
NRK elsker Glandular
Glandular er i ferd med å vokse ut av sitt gode skinn. 300 nedlastninger på Urørt i skrivende stund! Har du lyst på en kopi du også? Helt gratis?
Hør låta her:
Eller gå til Urørt for å finne ut mer om låta
The Vineyards featured in word wide Braun commercial with Jose Murinho
All right! The Vineyards track General – from their very first EP «good rock for good people» (iTunes, spotify) is now on tv screens all over the world as the sountrack to Brauns new shaver commercial. And the face shaved is none other than Jose Mourinho!
Here is what it sounds like when you use a Braun shaver:
Braun Series 3 shaver – TV commercial with José Mourinho ||
Track is available on iTunes, and streaming on most major services like Spotify and Wimp. You might also find it for free if you take a look around this very site.
Start your engines!
New Videos – Northern Winters and Intet er nytt under solen
Great news! Finally we were able to publish the long awaited video of Northern Winters (spotify-link). As regular readers may recall, back in february 2009, we recorded a freezing cold video to illustrate the coolness of the Nothern Winter. Still, it took us about two years to agree on that this actually is a good video. Hence, we uploaded it and here it is:
The Vineyards – Northern Winters
Also, as a bonus, I was forced by the video spirit of rock to bring justice to one of our best recordings – Intet er nytt under solen (You can read more about the song in a previous article). The video filmed using iPhone and the infamous 8mm application. Nice! And here it is:
Remenber – «sharing is sexy» so we appreciate your tweeting and the like.